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Barcode Filthcast 24 featuring Cooh
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 05.05.2010, 22:14




Bulgarian artist Cooh is generally a nice and positive guy, although this Filthcast is harder than nails!

Are you down with the underground?

Cooh - 300
Current Value - Alpha State (Subsistenz)
Cooh & Silent Killer & Breaker - The Galaxian (Guerilla Recordings)
Cooh - Grad (Fall Out)
Cooh - Predata (Fall Out)
Cooh & The Sect - Danger Nation (PRSPCT Recordings)
Broken Note - Pyrotek (Cooh Remix) (PRSPCT Recordings)
Current Value - G2 Hunt (Subsistenz)
Receptor vs Fugees - Rhino or Not (Cooh mashup)
DVB & Gr VS Machine Code - Dog Bite
Broken Note - Channel Zero (PRSPCT Recordings)
Current Value - Warship (Barcode Recordings)
Cooh - Helmet (Habit)
Ogonek - Tumpani (unsigned)
Cooh & Forbidden Society - The Gord (Freak Recordings)
Cooh & Dean Rodell - Cat Scratch (Position Chrome)
Cooh - Gerdan (Union)
Cooh - Duuure VIP (no release)
Limewax & The Panacea VS Current Value - Operation Therapist (Cooh mashup)
Cooh & The Outside Agency - Soul Keepers (Genosha One Seven Five)
Cooh & The Panacea - The Large Hadron Collider (PRSPCT Recordings)
Current Value & Donny - Discovered (Barcode Recordings)
Cooh - Darho (unsigned)
Current Value - The Power (Cooh mashup)
Cooh & Current Value - Naglfar (Position Chrome)
Cooh - Are You There (Mentaly Disturbed)
Dune - Hardcore Vibes (Cooh bootleg Remix) (The Panacea mashup)
Katharsys - Walkin Device (Barcode Recordings)
Cooh - Down Into The Dawn (Tantrum)
Current Value - Bruja (Barcode Recordings)



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